Monday, March 3, 2025
Your Vigilant Daily Newspaper

SLEEP ON IT: A Comeback

April 27, 2024

Seeing my name on the page of The Negros Daily Bulletin once more after six years and three months of deep slumber, a surge of fulfillment bathed my being and watered my soul!

That attack of glaucoma and cataract on both eyes hindered me to let my pen roll as some pestering cloud blocks my vision! The worst part of the charade was losing my second son, January 30, 2016 just three days after his 38th birthday. That which left me in agonizing silence only to be stirred fry again December 1, 2022 when my eldest son followed suit when a tumor burst in his head. He turned 46, October 21 of that year!

The turmoil of physical chaos that hit me plus my transformation to Lady Dolorosa have imprisoned me to a cell which I thought I cannot escape!

My sensitivity to things have intensified to its maximum level that just a little snap of a finger, a hurtful word, a siren or even the creeping of the night cascade my face from the bitter flow of pearls only my broken heart can process!

For thirty six years, I have treaded my world to the schoolrooms I was made to teach, but dependence has clothed me now which enhanced the shadows that loom in ny little corner. To write was and is an option to drive away the cobwebs of life and of living which I did secrectly and just kept some of the notes for my eyes only. Actually, I have never been asleep just inactive and uninterestingly uninvolved!

This awakening, I am blessed with the generosity of my NDB, NEGROS DAILY BULLETIN family especially for the heartwarming welcome of The Editor-in- chief, Arman Toga for making me awake from the deepest slumber I have ever indulged in in my entire existence!

Sleep on it! The Rebirth! 42324* (Ma. Luisa Perez)


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