Monday, March 3, 2025
Your Vigilant Daily Newspaper

Double Freedom, Seven Years After!

March 11, 2024

As the Court Judge banged his gavel after pronouncing that the lady accused is hereby acquitted of the offense charged, tears of joy, groaning and sobbing cry can be heard within the corridors of the Halls of Justice specifically RTC Branch 41 of Bacolod City, Negros Occidental.

Her yellow t-shirt bearing the name PDL – BJMP is wet with sweat and tears, eyes filled with great joy but with fear as “justice was done though heavens may fall.”

After seven (7) traumatic years of detention at Handumanan District Jail in this City, at last! FREEDOM AT LAST! FREEDOM AT LAST!

Her two (2) lawyers namely Atty. John Mark Tamaňo and Atty. Nicanor Aguilar expressed joy and gladness as the Court interpreter pronounced the verdict that the accused is “hereby released immediately from prison unless otherwise held for another lawful cause.

Truly, “accusation is NOT synonymous with guilt. It is incumbent on the prosecution to demonstrate that culpability lies.”

She spent almost seven (7) New Year(s) behind bars. Her dreams had been buried there. She was taken away from her four (4) children, away from her husband who left her and had his own separate family.

Her name is CHERYL, a native of Cadiz City. A businesswoman who managed a branch of SPA somewhere in Makati City, Philippines. She thought that life is just making money while raising her children. A single mother but eventually, she found a partner (named Andy) that help her in their small business.

Until one day, from Makati, she is bound for Cadiz City to visit her children. One of her employees requested her (employee) to bring her minor children to Manila for schooling. She consented to the request of her employee. The later executed an affidavit of consent to bring the minor children.

She reached Cadiz with high hopes. After preparing the things she gathered, it is now time to go back to Manila while accompanying the three children.

However, things and circumstances were so cruel. While boarding in one of the ships plying the route of Bacolod to Manila and vice-versa, she was collared, investigated, arrested and slapped with strings of cases specifically a Violation of RA 9208, Sec. 4 (a), Qualified by Sec. 6 (a) [Qualified Trafficking]. The Prosecutor’s Office found probable cause while the Court has recommended PhP1,000,000.00 bailbond for her temporary liberty.

Broke and depressed, she had to accept her fate but in her heart, a protest and inner cry was shouting, “I’m innocent!” That shout, however, only reached through deaf ears.

This was happened on the 7th day of June 2016 in the City of Bacolod.

From the year 2016, RTC Judge Ray Alan Drilon managed to hear the case. However, due to his retirement almost a year later, a pairing Judge continued the trial.

Then, a ferocious Pandemic occurred.

Trials were suspended.

No hearing of the cases except those which were allowed by the Court through a virtual mode.

Finally a new, young, intelligent and fresh RTC Presiding Judge, Hon. Fernand A. Castro was appointed to the Bench.
The Police Officers and some DSWD employees testified against her. On the other hand, she also stood pat in her belief while holding the balm of clear conscience.

This writer happened to hold a Bible Study or Jail Ministry in Handumanan District Jail – Female Dormitory. Through the preaching of the Gospel by virtue of Acts 2:38, John chapter 3 verses 1-5 and other related Scriptures, Sister Cheryl is one of those who received and obeyed.

The Gospel Message of Salvation on July 22, 2023.

Simply put, she repented and was baptized in the wonderful Name of Jesus Christ. As I gleaned over the scenery, she is one of those who actively participated actively in our Bible Studies. Every time her children will visit her, hugs and cries are their expression of comfort and solace. Usually, when her children asked here, “Mama, when are you going to get out from this place?” She just bowed her head and shed tears saying, “Son, daughter, only the Lord Jesus knows.”
One week before her promulgation, she asked this Writer to lay my hands on her for a prayer. I told her, “what prayer request would you like to ask, Sister?” She immediately answer, “I want to be free, Pastor.” I told her that she has already experienced spiritual freedom upon obeying the Gospel of Christ but by this time, it is physical freedom.

She further told this writer that if her prayers will be granted, she will serve and give the remaining years of her life to the Lord.

Until one day, one of the children testified. She was 14 years old when the case started. However, she testified at age 21. The police and other prosecution witnesses thought that the young lass will testify against the accused.
As the Court pointed out and I quote:

“In stark contrast, the child witness, one of the supposed minor victims, testified in favor of the accused and clarified why she signed the accusatory affidavit against Cheryl. In her testimony, she declared that she and her twin signed the accusatory statements because the police told them that their mother would be charged as well if they would not sign the affidavit.”

This Court, as trier of facts, finds the declaration of child witness to be candid, starightforward, and trustworthy,” the verdict said.

Quoting the case of People v. Villanueva, G.R. No. 210798, 14 September 2016, the Court further explained “the gravamen of the crime of human trafficking is not so much the offer of a woman or child; it is the act of recruiting or using, with or without consent, a fellow human being for sexual exploitation. In this case, the prosecution miserably failed to prove this.”

The Court concluded, “all told, because of this doubt that lingers in this Court’s mind, accused Cheryl must be acquitted. Pursuant to accused guaranteed right to be presumed innocent under Bill of Rights, it is this Court’s constitutional duty to free her.”

After the promulgation, Sister Cheryl can now walk with head high but with a heart so low that after the seven (7) years of pains and sufferings, while languishing inside the jail, God has still a great purpose.

A purpose that only the Divinity can fathom. Whatever is His Divine reason, as Sister Cheryl pointed out, “the Lord molded and shapen me through His divine plan. I still thank the Lord for teaching me the greatest lessons in life. He gave me more reason that through my imprisonment, I came to know who Jesus is.”

Sister Cheryl is not only physically free but spiritually free. Double freedom! The Truth made her free.”

The case is now put to rest.

To God be the glory!* (Pastor Jerry C. Delicano)


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