Thursday, September 19, 2024
Your Vigilant Daily Newspaper


November 6, 2023

Tribu Euzkara representing Julio Ledesma National High School hailed as champions of this year’s Pintaflores Festival street dance & ritual dance competition held at the City Auditorium in San Carlos City, Negros Occidental, Sunday afternoon, November 5. It also won special awards including Best in Ritual Dance, Best in Costume, Best in Choreography, and Best in Musicality.

Tribu Sumilaw of Don Carlos National High School was second place and got the Best in Street Dance, Best in Headdress, and Best in Foral Formation awards. Tribu Busilak of Quezon National High School bagged the third place. Tribu Bidlisiw of Bagonbon National High School received the Best in Floral Face Tattoo award.* (Andrew Altarejos photos)


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