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Marapara Rotary Donates STEM Books

August 23, 2023

Marapara Rotary president, Dr. Eric Malo-oy (center) with fellow Rotarians, and TUPV and Caliling National High School faculty members.*

Students and teachers at Caliling National High School, in the municipality of Cauayan, got a big surprise recently from the Rotary Club of Bacolod-Marapara.

In collaboration with the Technological University of the Philippines Visayas (TUPV), club members visited the school, where they presented teachers and students with more than 2,000 science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) books.

Spearheaded by newly-elected Rotary president, Dr. Eric Malo-oy, the books are part of the club’s plans to increase student interest in STEM programs.

“Providing schools with the tools and techniques to deliver STEM subjects to students has never been more important, said Dr. Malo-oy, who is also TUPV Campus Director.

“In order to be prepared for jobs, students need to be able to solve problems, find and use evidence, collaborate on projects and think critically. Skills that are taught in STEM subjects. We are pleased we are able to make this small contribution to help students.”

Caliling National High School principal, Lorebel Montano, expressed her appreciation for the donation and said they will be a valuable addition to the school’s library, particularly for STEM-focused subjects.* (Robert Harland)

Marapara Rotary president, Dr. Eric Malo-oy, checking the STEM-focused books presented to the Caliling National High School.*


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