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Your Vigilant Daily Newspaper

The 37th Philippine Chemistry Congress in Bacolod City

July 31, 2023

Members of the panel that faced media last July 26, 2023 – (left to right) Jocelyn Sorilla, ICP Bacolod VP; Priscilla Samonte, ICP National Secretary; Edna Mijares, ICP National Chair Emeritus; Fabian Dayrit, PhD, ICP National President; Gil Severino, NDB Writer; Nidz Villones, Te Amo Productions Event Planner; Dida Gatanela, ICP Bacolod Secretary; Carlos David, DENR USec; and Glenn Alea, PhD, PFCS President.*

Gathering more than 1,500 chemists from industry, academe, and government including exhibitor personnel and local pasalubong outlets for a three-day national conference here at the SMX Convention Center Bacolod City, last July 26 to 28, 2023, is such a boost to the local economy. Thanks to the national and local organizers, the Integrated Chemists of the Philippines (ICP) National, the ICP Bacolod Chapter, the Philippine Federation of Chemical Societies, and the powerhouse local event program operation committee led by the Te Amo Weddings and Events Management Services.

It was a three-day national conference but the surge of perks and benefits to the visitor economy, trade and investment promotion of exhibitors and local pasalubong outlets would run for a week or more. It was not just about local development benefits but likewise and primarily exposing the general Bacolod public, through media, web-media, and social media, about the seemingly dim overcast future of Philippine agriculture, food security, water quality and accessibility, and chemistry education. The 37th Philippine Chemistry Congress (37th PCC) was a concerted effort to accelerate the application of the advances in chemistry science and technology for farms and agricultural operations to be managed differently thus achieving the highest level of food security for all Filipinos.

Local 27th PCC VIPs (left to right): Nidz Villones, Te Amo Productions; Leilani Crucero, Local Chair Technical Papers Committee; Dida Gatanela. Local Chair for Publicity, Promotions, and Communications.*

In a media briefing held on the first day of the Congress, related issues on water quality and chemistry education were discussed. It was pointed out that chemists have a certain control over the quality of water supply through various laboratory tests measuring the chemical, physical and biological parameters; the most common and readily seen by water consumers are the physical parameters which include color, taste, odor, temperature, turbidity, solids, and electrical conductivity. Massive complaints about the physical parameters of water are the daily concern of the Bacolodnons.

Meanwhile, the shortage of chemists and chemistry scientists owing to the demands of industrialization, laboratory-based occupations, and other chemistry sub-sectors were likewise discussed. On the government side, the implementation of the Chemistry Profession Act in 2015 greatly improved the overall welfare of chemistry practitioners. On the educators’ side, however, methods of teaching must be developed to rid the misconception that chemistry is a difficult subject. Educators must successfully defend the congruence of chemistry with the demands of the industry.

For the first time, after a year of hiatus and two years of full online congresses because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental, being one of the agro-industrial hubs of the Philippines, was chosen as the venue of a face-to-face Congress. Together with technical exhibitors, it was aimed that chemists from various sectors enable the Philippine food agriculture to increase the adoption rate of their science that drives efficient and effective change, resulting in sustainable and eco-friendly productivity.

Thus, the 37th PCC theme, “Chemistry and Agriculture 4.0: Chemistry for Agriculture and Food Security”.* (Gil Alfredo B. Severino)

The 37th PCC National VIPs, (left to right), Dr. Fabian Dyrit, Chair, National Organizing Committee, Ma. Regina Martin, Director General, Philsurin, Bago City Mayor Nicholas Yulo, Dr. Lilibeth Coo, National Chair for Finance, Edna Mijares, Chair Emeritus ICP National Board.*
Local Organizing Committee and Event Operation Planners – (left to right) Nidz Villones, Event Organizer, Te Amo Weddings and Events Management Services, Michael Badilla, Local chair for Finance, Rosely Usero, ICP President, Bacolod Chapter, Leilani Cricero, Local chair for Technical Papers, Melinda Montano, Local Chair Secretariat, Georgina Diopenes, Local chair for Book of Abstracts, Cha Fabon, Local Vice Chair for Session Coordination, Ferresa Caberoy, Loca Vice-Chair for finance.*


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