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‘JVA is shot in the arm that Ceneco needs’

June 15, 2023

Consumer groups campaigning for the ratification of the Joint Venture Agreement between Ceneco and MORE Power-Primeelectric emphasized that the JVA is the much-needed ‘shot in the arm’ to improve Ceneco’s operations and services.

“For so many years, Ceneco failed to deliver satisfactory service which its member-consumer-owners deserve, and Ceneco also failed to solve the recurrent problems of frequent power interruptions and poor consumer service,” said Dionisio dela Cruz, spokesperson of the Pro-JVA Multi-Sectoral Coalition.

“Ceneco lacks the resources to lower its system losses and improve its consumer services. It faces extreme difficulty in getting the approval of government regulatory agencies for its funding requirements, and it can’t secure long-term loans from banks because Ceneco has only seven years left in its franchise. Thus, it needs the capital infusion from the JVA to address these issues,” dela Cruz stressed.

Dela Cruz issued the statement during the “Forum for a Peaceful & Orderly Plebiscite” spearheaded by Power Watch Negros Advocates, Utilities Consumers Alliance for Reforms (UCARE) and the Pro-JVA Multi-Sectoral Coalition held at the Negros Press Club Building yesterday morning. With him were Power Watch Secretary-General Wennie Sancho and UCARE convenor Bebot Song.

The forum was conducted in line with the upcoming plebiscite for the approval of the JVA scheduled June 24-25 and July 1-2 in Ceneco’s coverage area of the Cities of Bacolod, Bago, Silay and Talisay, and the towns of Murcia and Don Salvador Benedicto.

Roy Cordova, former Ceneco Board President and former long-serving president of the Ceneco Union of Rational Employees (CURE), the labor union for the rank-and-file employees of the electric cooperative, joined the forum as an independent consumer.

“I have worked with Ceneco for almost 30 years, starting in 1982 as a Meter Reader until I resigned in 2011. I served as a member of the Ceneco Board of Directors in 2011-2014 and as Board President in 2017-2020. As labor union president, I negotiated two Collective Bargaining Agreements which provides 200% computation of separation pay per year of service for qualified employees, among other benefits,” Cordova narrated.

“I have been part of the ups and downs of Ceneco. While Ceneco has highly qualified professionals capable of designing viable system improvement programs, these programs were not implemented because of bureaucratic delays and hurdles caused by regulatory constraints which are inherent in an electric cooperative,” Cordova added.

He explained that Ceneco consumers pay about P1.87 per KWHr for Distribution, Supply Metering and Reinvestment Fund for Capital Expenditures (CAPEX). The Capex fund is supposedly for maintenance and system improvement, but any funding request for system improvement needs approval from the Board of Directors, National Electrification Administration and the Energy Regulatory Commission, according to Cordova.

“Considering these delays, what use is the grass if the horse is already dead when the grass arrives? Even if you change General Managers and Board of Directors many times, Ceneco can’t address its numerous problems because of its inherent regulatory constraints. A change in regulatory regime, thru the JVA with MORE Power, is what Ceneco needs to improve its system and consumer services,” Cordova pointed out.

UCARE convenor Bebot Song reiterated Cordova’s sentiments.

“Ceneco has been facing these same problems for decades already, but nobody has offered any concrete solution to these problems until MORE Power came up with this JVA. Ceneco consumers are fed up with these repeated lame excuses; we need a change in Ceneco which can solve its recurring problems. We need this JVA,” Song stated.

Song called on Ceneco consumers to exercise their right of suffrage, and to go out and vote during the upcoming plebiscite.

Power Watch secretary-general Wennie Sancho likewise called on consumers to take part in the plebiscite.
“Participate in the discussions about the JVA and learn how it can help solve Ceneco’s problems and improve its service to consumers. Go out and vote in favor of the JVA,” said Sancho.

“We respect the stand of those opposing the JVA. Our only request is to keep the JVA discussion issue-based, and to refrain from personal attacks on the proponents. Our fellow Ceneco consumers need enlightenment on the issues involved. We should keep them informed, and we should maintain objectivity in the presentation of issues, so that we can ensure a peaceful and orderly plebiscite,” Sancho added.* (Butch Bacaoco)


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