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Your Vigilant Daily Newspaper

Touring Guimaras With The Sweetest Mangoes (Part 1 of 3)

June 10, 2023

The Wind Farm

The island province of Guimaras is not only proud for having the sweetest mangoes in the Philippines. It has other fruit products and crops, too.

It also has more to show to visitors through its well-paved road network – beautiful beaches, agricultural and fishery farms, cultural and historical heritage sites, ecotourism spots for land and water sports, islets to visit, and a lot more.

With sprouting resorts, hotels, pension houses, and other facilities, the province can now host medium-sized meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions.

Biking events? More and more biking enthusiasts cross the straits to Guimaras and explore the island.

Here’s a glimpse of the Guimaras Wind Farm located in the four barangays of San Lorenzo town. The 27 wind turbines not only produce 54 megawatts of electricity. They also add up to the tourism industry of the province with an increasing number of domestic and foreign tourists coming to the island to pose under these renewable energy generators.

Let’s explore Guimaras.* (APT/NDB photos)


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