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PENRO Negros Occ. holds 1st Provincial Mgmt Conference

February 4, 2023

OIC-Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Officer Joan Nathaniel Gerangaya, with PENRO TSD and MSD Chiefs, led the first Provincial Management Conference held at PENRO Conference Hall in Bacolod City, Negros Occidental.

The conference was designed to equip key players and personnel on the FY 2023 Work and Financial Plan’s targets and priorities.

PENRO Gerangaya welcomed all DENR Region 6 Officials, CENR Officers, Section Chiefs and participants from Bago, Cadiz and Kabankalan, MKNP and NNNP.

For this year’s first provincial management conference, Gerangaya emphasized three things which are planning, strategizing and action making.

He said that the roles and efforts of all employees is a key factor that plays a huge part in the continuous success of the office.

Assistant Regional Director for Special Concerns Ivene Reyes commended PENRO Negros Occidental for conducting the Provincial Management Conference and gave updates regarding the National Greening Program.

Edna B. Locsin, Chief Planning and Management Division shared updates during their 2023 National Budget Reprogramming Workshop held at, Tagaytay City. Locsin also reminded everyone of their roles, commitment and responsibility as public servants.

Regional Executive Director Livino B. Duran, in his message stated that the preservation of the environment , is the preservation of life. RED Duran also gave his latest instructions specifically on NGP, LPDS, Biodiversity and other environmental concerns.

Presentations on Management Services Concerns and CY 2023 Work and Financial Plan was discussed by OIC-MSD Chief Rosario Rostata.* (PENRO-MTRP)


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