Monday, September 16, 2024
Your Vigilant Daily Newspaper

IOs train on Blogging, Vlogging, TikTok

September 24, 2022

About a hundred Information Officers (IOs) from all over Western Visayas participated in a training on Blogging, Vlogging and TikTok during the Philippine Information Agency (PIA) Journ Talk Series 2022 – Information Officers’ Edition.

The IOs from the different local government units, national government agencies and government owned and controlled corporations learned from experts – Engr. Glady Reyes of the Department of Science and Technology and for Blogging; Lester Nillos of LexplorationsPh for Vlogging; and Debbie Oca of Debbieohh for TikTok.

PIA 6 OIC – regional head Jemin B. Guillermo, in her message during the webinar, underscored the important roles of the IOs as duty-bearers of timely, accurate and relevant information in fighting against fake news and in dismissing disinformation.

“For some, information work is very boring, very tedious, time- consuming, never-ending and very challenging because information, education and communication is a continuing process if only to reach the goal of having a well-informed, participative and empowered citizenry,” Guillermo said.

The agency continues to innovate and introduce capacity building trainings to enhance the skills of the Information Officers to stay relevant as government communicators.

“We hope to see the evolution of IOs from traditional storytellers to content creators maximizing the different available platforms like Facebook, WordPress, YouTube and TikTok to further reach more audiences,” Guillermo added.* (AAL/EAD-PIA6 Negros Occidental)


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