Monday, March 3, 2025
Your Vigilant Daily Newspaper


September 10, 2022

BREEDING GROUND OF JOURNALISTS – If there’s any news publication that deserves my gratitude to the fullest, it should none other but the Negros Daily Bulletin, deemed the breeding ground of well-meaning newsmen and women in the province of Negros Occidental.

After my brief stint as part-time News Reporter of Iloilo-based Panay News, I joined NDB sometime in 1994, thanks to its publisher the late Santi Alacapa whose invitation to join the staff I unreluctantly accepted.

As a mere mediocre and ambitious news reporter, reporting to its Editor-in-chief Pert Toga who was then the incumbent president of Negros Press Club, the Philipppines oldest press organization, I struggled my way to covering press conferences, political and business events, as well as rallies and street parades, and pounding my typewriter to compose a story for NDB, formerly a weekly newspaper.

Rubbing shoulders with professional journalists, and sometimes breaking bread with leading businessmen and politicians, I slowly learn to climb the rope of reaching the apex of being an active journalist, with the guidance of Pert himself, until I received approval to be full pledged NPC member, and eventually elected as its president in year 2000-2001, the so-called entry of the Y2K millenium bug.

Admittedly, my election as NPC president was attributed mainly to the overwhelming support of NDB editors, reporters, and staff, who were Gene Flora, Edith Colmo, Nestor Padesio, Arman Toga, Leo Claridad, Carla Cañet, George de la Cruz, Jun Marañon Delos Reyes, among others, who were among the prominent journalists that NDB breeds, coddles, and harnesses toward maturity in the journalism field, and whose camaraderie is unforgettable.

Hence, inspired and motivated by the writing excellence and exceptional leadership of Pert, I emerged eventually as among the journalists joining the press conference of some national politicians, like former Sen. Miriam Santiago, House Seaker Ramon Mitra, Chief Justice Marcelo Fernan, Pres. Fidel Ramos, Sen. Juan Ponce Enrile, Pres. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, and Pres.Joseph Estrada, and several local politicians like Gov. Lito Coscluela,Cong. Jose Carlos “Kako” Lacson, Cong. Romeo Guanzon, among others.

Thus, as member of the NDB staff, I regularly report in the evening, during weekends, or whenever my day off permits as full-time employee of First Farmers Milling Company, where I serve as Research Chemist.

Evidently, Pert was too kind, or must have seen my potentials, that he invited me to write a regular column, and eventually designated as Associate Editor, enabling me to hone further my journalistic skills.

Indeed, it’s in NDB that my self-confidence and self-esteem as a journalist developed by leaps and bounds, which encouraged me to serve as Public Information Officer of Bacolod City, 2003 -2005, under Mayor Luzviminda “Joy” Valdez.


FAMILY-LIKE ATMOSPHERE – My tenure with NDB did not only afford me the opportunity to work as journalist, but as member of a corporation being among the pioneer trustees of the Negros Daily Bulletin Publications, Inc., which became the official publisher of NDB, with Santi Alacapa as Chairman of the Board, and Pert Toga as the President and Editor in Chief.
Other trustees included: Cecille Toga, Edith Colmo, Leo Claridad, Nestor Padesio, Arman Toga (Secretary), yours truly as treasurer, and Atty. Edwin Javellana as the legal officer.

Upon its regstration with Securities and Exchange Commision, the NDB leaped frog from a weekly newspaper to a regular daily newspaper, with at least 16 pages per issue, and filled with stories of several opinion writers. In fact, NDB has the most number of columnists compared to any other local newspapers in the province.

Henceforth, it ushered into a period of challenges, hopping from office to another, until it finally settled down in its present publishing office at Magdalena Bldg., Hernaez St., Bacolod City.

The flooding in the area of Beam Publishing House, where NDB rented for a time being, saw us tiptoeing to enter the office, and rolling up our pants as we work in front of the computer. But after it move out to the NPC office, we enjoyed a brief comfort and convenience.

The printing section did not also escape from the burden of lack of printing supplies, and papers, causing setback on the issue of the struggling NDB.

Nevertheless, the cooperation and close-knitness of the staff and employees in the atmosphere of cordial and harmonious relationship like a family under the fathership of Pert Toga, NDB was able to withstand the challenges it faced day in and day out.

Today, I believe, NDB continue to wrestle the trials like any newspaper encounters in its operation. But the iron-willed determination of its management is undeniably a strong reason to celebrate today its 62nd anniversary, as the oldest local newspaper.

Again, Happy Anniversary NDB! Onward to another years of success!* (Dan Cajurao)


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