Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Your Vigilant Daily Newspaper


August 2, 2022

Last July 31, 2022, a concerned citizen from Old Poblacion, Escalante City reached out to Cenro Escalante reporting a wounded, critically endangered Green Sea Turtle that her father, Antonio M. Tanghal, found while fishing. The reptile was accidentally entangled in a fisherman’s net causing it to be wounded and unable to swim away. They were hesitant to return it to its natural habitat due to the reptile’s wound. On August 1, 2022, Monday, the staff of Cenro Escalante together with DENR Cenro Cadiz rescued the male Green Sea Turtle at Guiwanon, Old Poblacion, Escalante. Both teams, together with the Bantay Dagat released the Green Sea Turtle in the Escalante bay marine sanctuary after securing that it is treated and in good condition.* (CENRO Escalante photos)


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