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Your Vigilant Daily Newspaper


July 30, 2022

VENUE FOR YOUTH DEVELOPMENT – Regardless of who is the sponsor of the bill in Congress for the reintegration in the Philippines college curriculum of the Reserve Officers Training Course (ROTC), which had been made optional decades ago, I shall undoubtedly support that guy and unreluctantly join the bandwagon of supporters for its immediate and mandatory implementation for the compliance of all college students, both boys and girls, as a requisite to completion of a baccalaureate degree.

Being an advocate of effective leadership and discipline, I believe ROTC training is a proper venue for youth development towards leadership, discipline, good manners and right conduct with respect to respecting of elders and superiors, and behaviour worthy of emulation.

Through ROTC training, the youth would be able to receive instructions toward their wholesome growth vis-a-vis personal and professional development, building self-confidence and self-esteem, adopting to a healthy lifestyle, observing proper business decorum and ethics, and improving personality.

Above all, in ROTC training one will get the right tools and techniques that he needs in coming up with a well-informed decision, qualitatively or quantitatively, in life.

Indeed, ROTC isn’t all about marching in the field under a scorching heat of the sun, carrying rifles on shoulder, or slugging it out in a hectic basic soldiery training on marksmanship, ammunitions handling, combat patrolling, and conducting raids and ambuscades.

But those physical exercises and marching drills are designed to improve the health, physical skills, stamina, endurance, self-discipline, and positive mental attitude of the youth in order to prepare themselves for future trials and challenges in their respective careers.

It maybe deemed as tantamount to militarization of the educational institution that communists leaning groups perceived, but ROTC per se is a response to the worsening social condition in the country like volcano waiting for the right opportunity to erupt.

Apart from providing the youth with concrete physical, tactical, and technical foundation, ROTC training emphasizes national consciousness by instilling the sense of loyalty to the country, respect to the national flag, compliance to the Constitution, and obedience to national and local leadership.

Indeed, the would-be proposed legislation for ROTC integration in the college curriculum deserves the “Ayes” of the Congress, and shall be implemented with the support of all sectors in the Philippines society.


MY ROTC CADET OFFICERSHIP – It may have been a brief experience, but my ROTC cadetship in Colegio San Agustin-Bacolod from 1973 to 1975 is undeniably a training that significantly contributed to my well-being as it has opened the gateway for me to learn the fundamentals of leadership and communication, such as the traits of being a good leader, goal setting, organizing, coordinating, and setting up controls.

Not only did I gain self-confidence to face and speak before a crowd of multi-cultured men, ROTC afforded me the chance to fraternize, fellowship, and rub elbows with new found friends from various college departments who happened to be the men in the platoon I’m assigned as cadet officer. No wonder today I find it worthwhile to cherish those memories with my former cadets and fellow cadet officers, the likes of the late Eduardo Casas and George Abueg, and all others who are now successful in their respective careers.

Noteworthy to mention is our former Corps Commander Ernesto Ubarra, with whom I served as his Executive Officer, and became an active officer of the Armed Forces of the Philippines. Today, as far as I know, Ret. Brig. Gen. Ubarra is happily enjoying life with his family.

Through the help of Sir Estong, I was able to capture the honor as First Runner-up in Western Visayas during the Annual Tactical Inspection, where I displayed my expertise in tactical Map reading, cal. 45 assembly, and platoon drill competitions, among others.

Those bivouac, civic actions, socializing with beautiful sponsors, and military balls did not only spice up my ROTC training, but filled my dream of enjoying my youthfulness onward to adulthood.

Indeed, my ROTC cadet officership, ending as adjutant, played a significant role to what I am today.* (Dan Cajurao)


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