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Your Vigilant Daily Newspaper

CANADA CONNECTION: Be Careful Being Kind

July 17, 2022

OPPORTUNISTIC PERSONS ABOUND – While it is true that kindness is the doorway to love, peace and eventually friendship, yet there’s a risk to always being kind, especially to stranger or person who had never been your close associate, be in business or social life.

As parents advise their kids to never talk to strangers, indeed, it is also incumbent upon us to be extra-careful with unknown person who talk like an angel only to be told he’s a devil in disguise.

More often than not, a stranger shows behavior and personality of a person who would take advantage in exploiting your kindness, if only to ask money.

By being an opportunist person, it’s not surprising his friendship is anchored loosely in the sand, and his sincerity as a friend is as superficial as the oil spill that doesn’t go deeper into the ocean. But your kindness is his chance to entice you to solicit for financial help, donations, or share to his alleged destitute charitable group.

Typically, those opportunists are akin to scammers, bloopers, narcissists, holduppers, robbers, fraud solicitors, black mail experts, hit and run cheaters, and agents of swindling syndicates.

Don’t get me wrong, but opportunists can be a professional, teacher, school principal, journalist, politician, cum laude graduate, lawyer, businessman, engineer, and what have you who also may pretend as your sincere and loyal fraternity brother, or a credible kumpadre.

Certainly, in this present generation of electronics communication, opportunists can exploit your kindness through just a mere text message or a posting on your Facebook Account of an impoverished condition or a poverty-stricken life, like having a sick mother reportedly catching for her life, brother undergoing cancer surgery, or himself losing a loved one.

Because of your kindness and soft-heartedness as a merciful, charitable, compassionate, lenient, and forgiving person, those abounding opportunists would ring around and prey upon you unsuspectedly, causing you financially devastated to your frustration, embarrassment, discomfort, sleepless nights, and being seriously skinned to the bones.

Indeed, my experience with those opportunists was a learned lesson that lingers in my mind like an unforgettable encounter with rascals, drug addicts, scoundrels, or highway holduppers.

Let’s be kind to our fellowmen, no doubt about it, but to have a heart of stone like lion, and iron-willed determination in holding on to our pocket and in control of our wallet against stranger, and opportunist, is nothing but overcoming the temptation of the devils desire against ourselves.

Best regards, and Good riddance guys!* (Dan Cajurao)


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