Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Your Vigilant Daily Newspaper


May 9, 2022

At least 5,000 registered voters were assisted by the Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting (PPCRV) volunteers at Sum-ag Elementary School (SES) as of 3PM today. SES was expecting 11,632 registered voters from 15 cluster precincts until 7 tonight.*
(James G. Toga photo)
WAITING GAME. Some voters at Sum-ag Elementary School waited around 4 to 5 hours before they were able to excercise their right to suffrage this morning.* (James G. Toga photo)
PPCRV volunteers assisted voters to their assigned cluster precincts in Sum-ag Elementary School today. The Vote Counting Machine from cluster precinct number 349 experienced a minimal malfunction but was rapidly fixed.* (Photo grabbed from St. John Nepomoceno Parish – Sum-ag social media page)


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