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Senior HS principal shoots self to death after killing teacher, hubby

April 12, 2022

A senior high school principal allegedly committed suicide after he allegedly shot to death a teacher and her husband at the Uybico Bilbao National High School in Barangay Po-ok, Hinoba-an this morning.

Police identified the fatalities as Warren Escosar, principal of the school, Almarisa Arroy, a teacher also in the school.

Also killed was Christopher Arroy, Almarisa’s husband.

Based on information released by the Hinoba-an Municipal Police Station, Escosar arrived in the school onboard his pick-up truck armed with two different firearms.

Escosar then allegedly opened fire at the Arroys, initially killing the husband.

Almarisa ran towards one of the open classrooms to hide, but Escosar gave chase until eventually cornering the school teacher and shooting her in the face killing her on the spot.

Escosar then returned back to his vehicle and grabbed a .45 caliber pistol and killed himself.

Police are further investigating the incident, although Hinoba-an town Mayor Ernesto Estrao believes the incident may have stemmed from a complaint filed against Escosar.

According to the town mayor, Escosar was reported to have received a notice from the 8888 Citizens Complaint Center, regarding alleged mismanagement at the school.

It is currently unknown if the Arroys were the ones who filed the complaint against Escosar.* (DGB)


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