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Your Vigilant Daily Newspaper

The Life of Chanel

April 11, 2022

Planning to get a pet way back in 2017, Chanel was already enlisted by another fur parent, after a couple of days of being dismayed.

Miraculously Lowella was informed that the adoption was canceled; since she was the last puppy that was not adopted it was predestined that she was taken home by Lowella.

Chanel’s biological siblings were named after luxury brands. Her name Chanel precedes her, she has been spayed for her health and safety, she has been having a busy life in the limelight, invited to weddings, and has been a flower girl twice. She loves traveling and has spent her holidays in different beautiful tourist destinations such as Albay, Sorsogon, Dumaguete, Cebu City, Bantayan, Masbate, Guimaras, and Iloilo City. Besides that, she is living her best life she is a superhero that saved her fur parents from being robbed in 2019.

Chanel was the main reason why Lowella was diverted to her purpose and passion, with her 7 siblings, Honey, Macha (Shitzu), Wasabi (Beagle), Moira (Pug), Bethany, and Peanut (Puspin). Her Furmom Lowella Marie Quililan, became the Public Relations Officer for CARE (Community Animal Rescue Efforts Inc).

You will see her rampantly on social media platforms newsfeed rescuing abandoned and neglected dogs whether it is sunny or outpouring rain and flooded. She has a collective of followers on her other social media accounts sharing stories and videos of her furbabies and her daily life as an animal welfare advocate, spreading education, and awareness, fighting against animal cruelty and promoting spay and neuter campaigns to curb the overpopulation of strays in Bacolod City.

On April 9, 2022, Chanel turned 5 years old; her Barkday was celebrated at Apollo Restaurant, Ground Floor Function Hall, Hilado Street Bacolod City; Attended by forty (40) guest fur parents, seven (7) fur friends and siblings, Scrappy, Ocean, Yumi, Quino, Honey, Matcha, and Moira.

The Barkday was beautiful, with a vibrant Barney-themed setup arranged by Aika Torres-Pula, a flaunty Ballet tutu designed by Kaizer Ortiz, and was hosted by the lively party host Kerr Ben Antoniano. The games were enjoyed by their fur parents who brought home prizes and tokens.

Barney is Chanel’s favorite purple dinosaur with his dino friends Baby Bop, BJ, and Riff the show focuses on caring, sharing, and learning, a show which is not too far from her daily life story. She is very courageous, friendly, loyal, and very protective. On her daily normal routine, she plays with her fur siblings and bonded with her Yaya Nene.

Chanel has been a very loyal friend and a companion for five (5) dog years which is thirty-six (36) human years converted, she has witnessed all of Lowellas’ happy and sad memories, success, and her failures. Chanel was always there to make her awful experiences a little bit better she seems to sense and understand Lowellas emotions whenever she was feeling down Chanel would grab a toy and give it to her to cheer her up.

Recent Research from the Department of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Bari Aldo Moro in southern Italy shows that our dogs can hear when you are happy or sad, have the dog’s ability to communicate with humans and they can sense emotions, read facial expressions, and gestures. They seemed to possess a special skill for knowing how exactly you are feeling, and process human emotions based only on our vocalizations.

Talking to Liza Chong Villanueva of Apollo Restaurant in Hilado Street, an animal welfare advocate herself since 2015 and has fed and rescued around 200 stray dogs and cats in Bacolod City. She said all pets must follow the requirements given by the restaurant management by having their pets diapered and leashed upon entering the restaurant.

Romeo Linco who catered the event and that has been a tenured employee for fifteen (15) years added that he was amazed and finds it unique and heartwarming that for the first time a pet has been given a tribute and celebrated her Barkday at the restaurant. Romeo has his own adopted stray furbaby Turbo named and inspired by a movie.

Referring to the dogs’ millennia-long history of loyalty, friendship, and companionship with humans, we envision that one day humans and animals can co-exist and be shared the same experiences in life.

Dog-friendly venues, besides the pet owners and their pets, can benefit from it, venues can enjoy the perks by becoming a pet-friendly venues; it will bring an influx of new customers and will boost brand loyalty, host creative events, and generate revenue by creating a dog-friendly menu with dog treats.* (Mary Grace Peralta-Gonzales/Witch Dog)


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