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SEC offers free webinar on nonstock registration

April 6, 2022

Do you belong to an organization whose objective is to help the needy? Or an association which promotes the interest and welfare of its members or a particular sector?

If the answer to both questions is yes, then your organization or association may qualify to register as non-stock corporation with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Know the in-depth details straight from the source on how to register as nonstock corporation this coming Friday, April 8, 2022 at 1:00pm via Facebook Live.

This webinar aims to discuss the benefits of registering as non-stock corporation, who may incorporate, and how to register and comply with the reportorial requirements once registered with the SEC.

Register now and know the rights, powers, and obligations of a registered corporation!

Interested participants may register through this link and get an e-certificate upon completion of the webinar. :

To get the latest updates on upcoming schedule of webinars, notices, advisories, and memorandum circulars follow the official Facebook Page and website of the Securities and Exchange Commission.* (Clyde Linaja-Padilla, Information Officer, SEC Bacolod)


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