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‘Boto Ko, Bwasdamlag Naton’ webinar by TUPV GAD a success

March 30, 2022

Voters’ Education “Boto Ko, Bwasdamlag Naton,” a webinar to emphasize individual accountability and social responsibility, was successfully presented by the Technological University of the Philippines Visayas (TUPV) under Campus Director Eric A. Malo-oy, Ph.D., through the Gender and Development (GAD) Office under Coordinator Lucille Arcedas, Ph.D., on October 25, 2021, 9:00 A.M., via Zoom.

Resource speaker was Isidro “Citoy” D. Sullivan, Jr. Ph.D., LPT, of Talisay City, Faculty Member of the Basic Arts and Sciences Department (BASD), TUPV, President of the Parish Pastoral Council (12 years) of San Nicolas de Tolentino Parish Eucharistic Minister of the Holy Communion of the same parish, and Associate Member of the City Peace and Order Council in Talisay City.

Dr. Sullivan is a seasoned professor with 31 years teaching experience at Colegio San Agustin-Bacolod (CSA-B), University of Negros Occidental=Recoletos (UNO-R), La Consolation College (lcc)-La Carlota, and TUPV-Talisay. He has conducted various voters’ education seminars for the past years and recently to several parish centers and at UNO-R.

Dr. Sullivan’s central theme was to uphold a CHAMP (Clean, Honest, Accountable, Meaningful, and Peaceful) election. He stressed the 10 Commandments for responsible voting and discussed the steps in voting, reminders to the voters, prohibition on voting and other prohibitions.

The webinar was facilitated by BS Electronics Engineering 2C Class headed by Class Mayor Jeffrey Tininahan, supported by the University Student Government (USG) under President Rem Rose Malaga, and was presented by Prof. May F. Olorga, Adviser, Gender & Society Classes (Moderator), Justine Earl Ogapong (BSECE 2C) (Master of Ceremonies), Alter Gonzales, USG Vice President (BS Chemistry 3A) and Miguel Montinola (BSECE 1C) (Student Reactors), Faculty Member James U. Sy Jr. (Faculty Reactor), Faculty Member Emee Joy Baylon (Synthesis), and Faculty Member Samuel “Bing” Feliciano (Closing Remarks).


In November last year, a successful webinar was also presented by TUPV.

“On The Value of Human Life,” a webinar on abortion, euthanasia, premarital sex and teenage pregnancy, was successfully presented by the Technological University of the Philippines Visayas (TUPV) under Campus Director Eric A. Malo-oy, Ph.D., through the Gender and Development (GAD) Office under Coordinator Lucille Arcedas, Ph.D., on November 24, 2021 10:45 A.M., via Zoom. The webinar had 64 attendees and an additional 20 in FB Live streaming.

Resource speaker was Rev. Fr. Jesmar V. Manato, MEM, Parish Priest of Our Lady of Lourdes in Brgy. Bata. Fr. Manato, a product of the Sacred Heart Seminary, is also a teacher but spoke as a man of faith and emphasized the sacredness of life as it related to aforementioned issues, which were part of the coverage for Week 13 of the ethics classes (Contemporary Issues in Ethics: Biomedical Ethics).

The webinar was facilitated by the TUPV GAD and Ethics Classes and was presented by Faculty Member Emee Joy Baylon (Master of Ceremonies), Chloe Angela Salem (TO8A) (Introduction of the Speaker), Prof. May F. Olorga, Adviser, Gender & Society Classes (Opening Remarks), was Isidro “Citoy” D. Sullivan, Jr. Ph.D., LPT, Samuel “Bing” Feliciano, and James U. Sy Jr. (Panel of Reactors), and Lucille Arcedas, Ph.D. (Closing Remarks).* (JUS)


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