DAR distributes 4,729 hectares of lands in Negros Occidental

The Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) distributed some 4,729 hectares of agricultural lands to 4,754 agrarian reform beneficiaries from 17 cities and towns in the province.
Agrarian Reform Secretary Bernie Cruz led the distribution of 8,259 certificate of land ownership award or CLOA in a distribution rites held in Sipalay City where 70 ARBs graced the ceremonial awarding representing their respective areas.
ARB Albino Bombio Jr, 51, in his response said he cannot contain his happiness when he finally got hold of his CLOA as owner of the land that he has worked on it since he was 15 years old.
“I had a pleasant experience working in the farm and we were paid according to the law. But, after being able to till my own land for some time now, my yearly income started to improve than when I was a farmworker,” Bombio added.
Cruz reminded the ARBs that it is illegal to sell, pawn or abandon the lands that DAR is giving to the ARBs.
“We need to help each other, among the beneficiaries so that we make the lands more productive. From subsistence farming, we reach the commercial production level, that is our wish for the ARBs,” Cruz reiterated.
Meanwhile, DAR6 regional director lawyer Sheila Enciso said that the regional office, following the orders of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, will keep on distributing lands especially in areas worst hit by Typhoon Odette.* (AAL/EAD/PIA6 Negros Occidental)