Cauayan LGU extends deadline for securing, renewing business permits without penalties

The local government unit of Cauayan in southern Negros Occidental extended the deadline for securing business and other permits, without penalties, until February 28, this year.
In a Sangguniang Bayan resolution also concurred by Mayor John Rey Tabujara, Cauayanhon businessmen and those securing other permits are given more time in consideration of the devastation by Typhoon Odette and the raging pandemic.
This is the response of Mayor Tabujara, Vice Mayor Anna Liza Soriano and the SB members to the request of taxpayers for an extension of the deadline, as they cited financial constraints and lack of resources for renewal of permits within the January deadline.
Cauayan was among the areas in southern Negros devastated by Odette.
The municipal government meanwhile continues to bring aid to typhoon victims to help them recover from the damages wrought by the typhoon a month ago.
While the Tabujara-Soriano administration assists its constituents in their daily needs, the mayor and the vice mayor expressed gratitude to the Governor’s Office, other government agencies, and to private groups and individuals, for also helping the victims.
Mayor Tabujara also coordinates with the electric cooperative as power supply is gradually being restored in the town.*