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Benitez draws support from Bacolod multi-sectoral groups

January 18, 2022

Multi-sectoral group representatives in Bacolod formed the Alliance for Better Bacolod (ABB) to support former Congressman Alfredo “Albee” Benitez in his mayoralty bid in Bacolod local elections.

A total of 33 multi-sectoral groups signed the “manifesto for change” at Bantug Lake Ranch at Barangay Alangilan, in backing up team Asenso for the cause of having a better Bacolod.

With the vision to achieve a comprehensive and progressive change towards a people first oriented governance, they are in full confidence that Benitez’ leadership will be able to provide solutions to existing problems in the city.

In a statement, the multi-sectoral groups firmly believe that the role of the local government is very important. They haven’t seen any concrete and effective programs or steps from the current leadership, that is why there is a need for change.

“Nga a ma hadlok kami, we are exercising our right to be informed, may backbone kami, we are firm and ready to face anything, as Filipinos we are entitled to our constitutional rights” according to Atty. Bong Dilag, lead convenor of the Alliance.

“Kami sa Persons With Disabilities may kinamatarong nga nasaad sa RA 7277, Kag kalabanan sa amon nga mga association diri sa Bacolod gina suprer kag gina violar ang ini na Republic Act. Gani sa liderato ni Mayor to be, Albee Benitez, nagapati kami nga cya magahatag sang re-inforcement sang sini nga layi,” Laboting of PWD sector said.

Allan Gozon of the Labor sector, “ang handom namon nga mga mamumugon, dugang nga trabaho, edukasyon para sa amon kabataan, puluy an, kag pagkaon kami nag desisyon nga ma upod sa ABB or Alliance for a Better Bacolod, sa idalom sang kandidatura ni former Congressman Albee Benitez kay kami nagapati nga sa iya liderato kag pagpamuno sang aton syudad, makita namon nga ini sya mahatagan sang katumanan kung ang maga pungko nga mayor sa aton syudad may kredibilidad, kag matinlo ang iya ngalan kay wala bahid sang korapsyon.“

Benitez is full of gratitude with this support and vows to listen and help each sectors with their issues and concerns.*


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