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Your Vigilant Daily Newspaper

Guv Lacson issues EO placing NegOcc under AL3

January 14, 2022

Negros Occidental Governor Eugenio “Bong” Lacson issued today Executive Order No. 22-01, Series of 2022 placing the province under Alert Level 3 from January 16, 2022 until January 31, 2022.

The EO’s Salient Points:
1. Persons below 18 years of age, senior citizens, and those with commorbities shall only be allowed to travel for any of the ff:
– to obtain essential goods and sevices;
– work permitted industries and offices;
– individual outdoor exercises.

2. Reduced outdoor venue capacity to 50% regardless of vaccination status in limited operation establishments, while indoor venue capacity is reduced to 30% and must only cater to fully vaccinated individuals.

3. Protocol for home quarantine and isolation of COVID-19 cases with no symptoms, mild symptoms or moderate symptoms pursuant to DOH Circular No. 2022-0002, Series of 2022.* (Capitol PIO)


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