Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Your Vigilant Daily Newspaper

LABOR FORUM: The New Year’s Wish of A Labor Advocate

January 3, 2022

As a labor advocate it is my wish that the New Year 2022 shall provide the workers with opportunities in the midst of unemployment and gave them hope that they wanted amid uncertainties due to economic crisis and pandemic.

The workers should have a decent standard of living and not merely exist as faceless members of a motley crowd living in obscurity and poverty.

The law should regard the lowly workers with tenderness and even favor and always with faith and hope in their capacity in shaping the nation’s future. It is an error to take them for granted.

It will be another year of struggle to face challenges.

In the past the welfare and interest of the workers were pushed aside due to traditional politics. If we want to respect the honor and dignity of the worker, we must resolve to lighten the weight of centuries of exploitation and disdain that bend his back, but does not bow his head.*


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