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Your Vigilant Daily Newspaper

FEATURE: The Birth of An Epitome

November 3, 2021

“It doesn’t make such difference how the paint is put in as long as something has been said. Technique is just a means of arriving at a statement.” Jackson Pollock, 1912-1956.

It was the first quarter of 2020 that the global panic for the COVID-19 virus hit the hardest that it brought our economy down to its knees. It was like a macabre joke that nobody normal refuses to accept reality that our normal everyday lives was now a thing of the past. For the most, this was the end but for one person, this was the birth of the long lost persona that he did not know that was sleeping all along inside him.

It was one lazy afternoon that he was presented with a new, cloud-white painting canvas by his mom. For days, it quietly rest on the corner of his room, hoping, waiting and expecting that somebody would give it life so it could breathe with articulate declaration of expression. Few days passed, the white sheet was remained untouched. Until one fateful day, his significant other saw it and persuaded him to start putting some colors in it.

Suddenly, he has this bizarre internal monologue-like running through his thoughts. He picked up his palette and started of what would be his first painting that will grace his room’s wall.

His palette turned into a tool of art and him as the mason-in-charge.

Like all of us, he has his fair share of what this world’s worst has to offer- this was his rebirth.

Though, his Primera Obra Maestra did not stay long hanging on his wall when a close family member’s eye was caught by this masterpiece and offered him a generous amount which eventually was his first to be sold.

Then the rest was history, he fell in love with art, a painter embarrassed enough to be called an artist because of his unbridled humility. He realized what it was feels like to write a love letter for a long time, but he was missing one thing, until he found a pen to convey what he was holding on in his heart.

Now, an arbiter of his own tranquility, grace, and taste of his own, he is Mikael Nicholas Zayco.

He will have his 4th art exhibit and 2nd solo entitled “Through the Prism” on Sunday the 7th of November, 2021, 4 in the afternoon, at Casa Gamboa, Rizal Street, Brgy. 5, Silay City. Please come!* (Israel Vinco)


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