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Prosecutor indicts Vallacar assistant corporate secretary for falsification of public documents and perjury

October 15, 2021

The Makati City Prosecutor’s Office indicted the assistant corporate secretary of a giant bus company for falsification of public documents and for perjury.

In a resolution dated September 20, 2021,the prosecutor’s office is recommending that Vallacar Transit, Inc. (VTI) assistant corporate secretary Anna Isabella C. Galvez “be indicted for the crimes of falsification of public documents as defined and penalized under Art. 172, Par. 1 in relation to Art. 171, Par. 4, and for perjury under Art. 183, both of the Revised Penal Code.”

The resolution was signed by Senior Assistant City Prosecutor, Joel B. Vedan, and approved by Deputy City Prosecutor and 2nd Division Chief, Christopher C. Garvida.

The case is in relation to the complaints of Olivia V. Yanson and Leo Rey V. Yanson against Galvez under NPS No. XV-05-INV-21C-0694.

In their December 5, 2020 complaint against Galvez, complainants Olivia and Leo Rey Yanson alleged that the former “as the purported Assistant Corporate Secretary of VTI, executed a General Information Sheet (GIS) of VTI for the year 2020.

They said that in that GIS, Galvez made declarations that included names of individuals as stockholders or board of directors who are not, and also declared that some individuals were no longer members nor officers of the board, and that the actual number of shares of stocks of some were not properly reflected.


“Instead of the usual counter affidavit, respondent (Galvez) filed a verified motion for the immediate dismissal of the instant complaint stating that a similar complaint for qualified theft, falsification and perjury filed by Olivia Yanson against (several others … ) founded on the same premise and false allegations, was dismissed by the Department of Justice (DOJ) as early as November 10, 2020,” the resolution stated.

“While we do not consider the mentioned ‘dismissed complaint’ … similar and identical with the present complaint to merit the granting of respondent’s verified motion (to dismiss), we treat the verified motion as respondent’s counter affidavit,” the resolution signed by prosecutors Vedan and Gardiva added.*


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