CHMSC, NONESCOST, CPSU ink collaboration agreement

Carlos Hilado Memorial State College, Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology, and Central Philippines State University signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in a ceremony held on September 23, 2021, at the Global Learning Cafe, CHMSC Talisay Campus.
The agreement between the three SUCs (State Universities and Colleges) is intended to pursue partnership and collaboration in the field of instruction, research and application, instructional materials production, and technical expertise training.
Vice President for Research and Extension, Andrew Eusebio S. Tan, PhD, welcomed all the officials present in the ceremony.
The MOU was signed by CHMSC President Norberto P. Mangulabnan, PhD, NONESCOST President Renante A. Egcas, PhD, and CPSU President Aladino S. Moraca, PhD.
Also at the event were NONESCOST Vice President for Academic Affairs Samson Lausa, PhD and the following CHMSC officials: Vice President for Academic Affairs Jay B. Estrellas, EdD, Vice President of Administration and Finance Rosalinda S. Tuvilla, Director for Student Affairs Janet P. Espinosa, PhD, Director for Extension and Community Services Mary Grace B. Nacionales, Director for External Affairs Rhoderick K. Samote, and College Secretary Mary Leanne A. Laganhon, PhD.
The ceremony ended with the CHMSC president’s presentation of gifts to the guests and the singing of the hymn of each institution.* (Diesyme P. Ordilla)
