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Your Vigilant Daily Newspaper

CLARENCE PEN: 55th Birthday, Momentary Pain

August 29, 2021

When I celebrated my simple 55th birthday party with my family four months ago, I was asked to give my wishes and expectations for the coming years.

But I pondered for a while and prayed for discernment because of my belief that only God can manipulate and control the time and events, as we are all under His subjection and our future lies under His powerful hands.

Perhaps many of us are struggling hard to escape the ill effects of COVID-19 pandemic despite the truth that millions of Filipinos are already vaccinated to ensure protection and health security.

Anyway when I shared my momentary remarks upon request, I quoted biblical perspectives and challenges that let us endure and persevere and inculcate in our hearts the life of Jesus trying to see God’s presence in this crisis.

Our world is basically being shut down as hard lock down is in the corner in some places.

Maybe some of us couldn’t remember the places we used to gather with our friends and relatives. Marketplaces are empty, shopping malls are running out of stocks and churches have a limited number of worshippers. It feels like the end of the world.
I boldly uttered also that God has plans in this pandemic.

As good citizens of this country, let us just follow government restrictions and protocols. Abide with the vaccination program of the government that truly, in the end we can totally eradicate the spread of Covid-19 and unmask our faces with no more face mask and shield.

Above all let us all surrender our lives to our Lord Jesus Christ the author and finisher of our faith.*


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