Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Your Vigilant Daily Newspaper

Boys benefit from computer skills training

August 3, 2021

Project ICT, the computer literacy program of the Rotary Club of Bacolod-Marapara, continues to help the boys at the Bacolod Boys’ Home.

Club members and Marapara Rotaractors, led by Rotarian Lander Leonillo, recently held the third computer training session at the home in Granada. The boys were shown how to navigate the basic and advanced Microsoft Word features and functions.

“Computer skills are not optional in today’s tech-savvy world,” said Club president Rolando Corona. “Digital literacy is a basic requirement for every citizen to participate fully in the digital society. We are pleased to have the opportunity to help equip the boys for future success.”

Project ICT is one of several club activities in support of the Boys Home including the recent complete restoration of the home’s entire water system and the launch of Project Green, a tree planting activity.* (Robert Harland)


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