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Your Vigilant Daily Newspaper

Kabankalan City Update on Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)

September 26, 2020

As of September 24, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic grows by the day and as such, frontliners – doctors, nurses, medical technologists and other medical workers, policemen, volunteers and responders are in the thick of the battle.

Non-medical frontliners such as those working as grocery storekeepers and pharmacists, drivers, telecom workers, bank employees, food delivery crew and many others who continue to provide basic services to satisfy the essential needs of people affected by Community Quarantines bravely leave their homes each day amidst the danger of contracting the illness. What is most heartbreaking is when they themselves become sick and the curve continues to rise even as more cases are reported.

In the City of Kabankalan, CHO today reports eight newly confirmed cases of coronavirus most of whom are medical frontliners.
KC COVID #96 is a Locally Stranded Individual who travelled via Philippine Coastguard bus to the Port of Manila on September 20. He arrived at Bredco Port and was immediately tested on September 22 before being transferred to Silay Healing Center. After three hours of health protocol orientation, he was fetched by DRRMO personnel and brought to Balicaocao Quarantine Facility. Result of his test returned today as positive.

KC COVID #97 works as a baby sitter for the family of PT#86. As a close contact of said patient, she was brought to Balicaocao Quarantine Facility and tested last September 21. Result was released today as positive.

KC COVID #98 is a frontliner working in a medical facility. On September 20, she underwent RT PCR testing after noting onset of body malaise, sore throat and chilly sensation. She started coughing the following day and stayed at home. Her test result came back today as positive.

KC COVID #99, another medical frontliner started developing flu-like symptoms on September 18. She had body massage at home on the 19th and felt her symptoms subsiding thereafter. The following day, patient lost her sense of smell and stayed at home again because she did not feel well. Test result came today as positive.

KC COVID #100 is also a medical frontliner. She reported for duty via private car on September 15 and 16. She travelled home on the 17th via public utility vehicle dropping by Labtology to drop off the specimen.

The following day, she went to CHO to obtain some test kits and PPEs and then in full PPE, conducted rapid testing at the Kabankalan PNP. She noted the onset of sore throat, hyperacidity, headache and slight fever. She stayed home on the 19th and was tested on the 20th.

She felt better the following day but noted that she lost her sense of smell. Result of her test came back positive today.

KC COVID#101 is also a frontliner and a close contact of Patient #103. She was tested on September 20 and positive result came back today.

KC COVID #102 is a close contact of PT#99. She was tested on September 22 and her test result came today as positive.

KC COVID#103 works at a medical facility. He noted the onset of fever on September 18 and had urinalysis done on September 19. The following day, he underwent RT PCR testing. On
September 22, he conveyed a friend’s daughter to Silay airport via private vehicle. Result of his test was released today as positive.

All eight patients are asymptomatic and with no pre-existing health condition. They will be transferred to a government facility for monitoring.

These frontliners as well as the responders have dedicated their lives and safety to caring for those who are sick, oftentimes placing their own health and safety at risk.

We all have to take this situation seriously. We cannot afford to have them get sick knowing that they are our last line of defense. Despite the risk to themselves and their families, these people could not bear seeing others crippled by the disease. They are instruments of God’s grace. Let us uphold them and all who are afflicted in fervent prayer.*



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