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NWTF 36th Anniversary Goes Digital

August 20, 2020

For the first time in 36 years, the annual anniversary celebration of Negros Women for Tomorrow Foundation was held via a live stream last August 14, 2020.
NWTF along with its more than 4,000 employees commemorated the anniversary using an internal online platform where everyone had a chance to view the live event in their own respective areas across the Philippines.

Going Digital

“With the growing number of Covid-19 cases in the Philippines, the safety of our staff is our priority, thus, while we want to be with everyone in this momentous occasion, the NWTF family has decided to hold everything online,” said Suzzette “Ching” Gaston, NWTF’s Executive Director.
“It has been a challenge shifting the event to digital, but the way things are now we have to adapt to the changes this pandemic has brought, hence, a need to slowly transition some services to digital is vital,” Gaston added.

Training and Education

In an effort to continue helping our more than 600,000 clients in over 194 branches amid the pandemic, our business trainings previously done face-to-face, are now in an online video format.
Business trainings play an essential role in our client’s growth, such is the case of Judith, an NWTF client who at first had no idea how to run a business, but because of the trainings she received she was able to grow her business, send her children to school, build their own home and is now celebrating her 30th year with her Dungganon family.

“We believe that these trainings for our clients are crucial to help them manage and grow their businesses,” remarked Joseph Guevarra, Client Services Department Head.
Guevarra added that they are trying to hold these trainings online, in that way the clients will still be able to learn on how to go about their business while being safe from Covid-19.
Meanwhile, screenings and exams for NWTF’s scholarship program are also being done online to ensure both the safety of our staff and scholars.

Anniversary Month

NWTF has overcome so many challenges in the last three decades and continues to prove its mettle by celebrating another milestone in the midst of its biggest trial to date – a once in a century pandemic.
Battling Covid-19 and Ensuring One’s Health Staying true to its mission — to help curb the spread of the virus, NWTF donated 6 laptops to the Bacolod local government for their Contact Tracing Operations Center in the hope that with this little contribution NWTF is able to help the local community in our battle against this viral disease.

The Covid-19 pandemic continues to spotlight the vulnerability of the poorest and underlines how painful it is for the less privileged to battle the current health crisis.
In light of this, the Dungganon Family in its anniversary month continues to conduct monthly medical missions in key places in Negros Occidental following all health and safety protocols ensuring the safety of our health and wellness team and the clients we are serving. The aim of this initiative is to provide free access to medical check-ups, medicines, circumcision, dental extraction, paps smear and eye check-ups for our clients and their families.

Our Commitment to Serving Our Clients and Staff

Also, to support our clients’ business in all the ways we can, two H.O. Markets are set for this month – August 14 and August 28; H.O. Market is a semi-monthly community market initiative located in the NWTF Head Office in bacolod City, where micro-entrepreneur clients of Dungganon Bank sell their products to help them revive or restart their businesses.

A stress debriefing seminar was also held last August 11-12, 2020 conducted by our friends from TUP-Visayas with topics on stress debriefing, stress management and self-care. This workshop aims to capacitate our Human Resources staff and other supervisors to better assist the NWTF team as we go through this pandemic.

Making the Environment a Priority

Apart from looking for ways to help our clients and employees, helping preserve the environment is of equal importance to us too, along with our cause to be part of the solution towards an environmentally conscious society. This month we will be turning over 2,845 mangrove seedlings (bungalon, bakhaw, and pagatpat) to the Toledo Environmental and Natural Resources Office for planting.
Reigniting the Dungganon Legacy
An as organization, NWTF has done initiatives both online and offline to continue to uphold our mission of helping people in need and working together in achieving our fervent aspiration of building vibrant Dungganon communities.

To remind ourselves, our partners and our clients of the reason we are still here today, we share with all of you, a tiny bit of the 36 purposeful years of NWTF. Here is our #WeAreDungganon Official

#WeAreDungganon | NWTF 36th Year Anniversary

It has been 36 years.36 years of purpose-driven services in helping people out of poverty.36 years of working together towards a better tomorrow.36 years’ worth of memories, strangers that turned into friends and friends that turned into family. These are some of our stories, the stories of our Dungganon Family!We share with you this video and together be reminded of our mission and that you, I, all of us,#WeAreDUNGGANON#NWTF #NWTF36

Posted by NWTF on Friday, August 14, 2020


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