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SSS implements number coding in 61 selected branches

July 25, 2020

The Social Security System (SSS) implemented a number coding system and modified service procedures in handling transactions in 61 selected branches nationwide.

The new procedures aim to regulate the number of people transacting in SSS branches amid the ongoing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.

SSS President and CEO Aurora C. Ignacio signed SSS Circular No. 2020 – 017 that limits the number of walk-in transactions in the branches. It also prescribed the weekly schedule wherein members and employers (ERs) can do their transactions with SSS. The schedule is based on the last digit of their Social Security (SS) or ER ID numbers.

Under the circular, SSS will implement the number coding system and modified service procedures in all 51 branches in the National Capital Region. In Luzon, the new procedures will be implemented in Baguio, Dagupan, Bacoor, and Biñan branches.

Meanwhile, in the Visayas and Mindanao, it will also take effect in Cebu, Lapu-Lapu, Bacolod, Iloilo-Central, Cagayan De Oro, and Davao branches.

Walk-in transactions in these branches will be limited to the payment of contributions and loans, compliance to the SS Number Application thru the SSS web, pick-up of Unified Multi-Purpose Identification (UMID) card, presentation of original documents to support claim applications, and other justifiable reasons.

SSS advised members and employers to conduct their transactions on the prescribed schedule, as follows: Mondays for SS or ER ID number ending in 1 or 2; Tuesdays for those ending in 3 or 4; Wednesdays for those ending in 5 or 6; Thursdays for those ending in 7 or 8; and Fridays for those ending in 9 or 0.

For transactions such as funeral and death claims, the SS number of the deceased member will be the basis for the number coding schedule.
If the prescribed transaction day falls on a declared holiday, the member or employer may transact on the next working day. In case a system downtime occurs, the branch will set an appointment for members and employers waiting in line. They can also have the option to wait until the system is once again operational, or opt to come back the following week on their prescribed schedule.

Drop boxes are also available in the said branches. The transacting public can use it to submit documents for transactions that were not mentioned and are not available through the SSS’s online channels.

They may also call, text, or send an email to the branch nearest to their residence or workplace. Contact numbers and email addresses of branches are posted at its entrance or found on the branch directory on the SSS website.

The SSS will inform the public if the number coding system and modified service procedures are suspended in the said branches or if it will be imposed on other branches.
“Through these alternative branch service procedures, we are hoping to limit our stakeholders’ risk of exposure to COVID-19. We have also expanded our online services in the My.SSS web portal so that they can transact with us at the convenience of their homes or offices,” Ignacio said.

The SSS encourages members and employers to use its digital platforms for their SSS transactions, if available, to avoid having to queue in its branches.
Members may access their contribution records, check the status of their benefit claims and loan applications, and make other transactions through the My.SSS web portal at, SSS Mobile App, Text-SSS at 2600, and Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS) at 7917-7777.
The submission of maternity notifications (for self-employed, voluntary, and Overseas Filipino Worker members), generation of Payment Reference Numbers (PRN), etc., are also available via the My.SSS web portal and SSS Mobile App.

Members may also use the My.SSS web portal for transactions such as the filing of applications for unemployment and retirement benefits, and salary and calamity loans; enrollment of bank accounts for thru-the-bank releases of benefits or loans; and others.
On the other hand, SSS encourages employers to use the SSS web portal to certify the loan and claim applications of their employees, submit their employment reports, or file their sickness benefit reimbursement applications.

Online and over-the-counter contribution and loan payment facilities are also available for members and employers through various SSS-accredited bank and non-bank collecting partners.

For further information, members and employers may call the SSS’ hotline at 1455 or follow its Facebook page at the “Philippine Social Security System” and Instagram account at “mysssph.”*


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