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Your Vigilant Daily Newspaper

City Distributes Fertilizers and Hybrid Seeds to Farmers

July 12, 2020 Tags: ,

The San Carlos City Agriculture’s Office distributed 9,948 sacks of prilled urea and 480 sacks of hybrid rice seeds (bigante, longping 937 and SL 20 varieties) to farmers of the five barangays on July 8 at the Barangay Codcod covered court.

The assistance is part of the Rice Resiliency Project of the Department of Agriculture and Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund-Seed Program of PhilRice-Negros benefitted by farmers from Barangays Codcod, Quezon, Nataban, Prosperidad and Bagonbon who are listed under the Registry System for Basic Sectors in Agriculture (RSBA).

City Agriculturist Devitt Dollosa urged farmers not to sell the fertilizers because the aid given to them was intended to boost the rice production in the city and at the same time help improve their crop and resources.

Earlier, beneficiaries also received certified inbred seeds of RC216 and RC222 varieties.

Mayor Rene Gustilo said this will help sustain farmers in the city.* (SCLGUIO FBP)


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