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Sugar Group Calls on DAR to Strengthen Food Security

July 6, 2020


In gratitude for calling a halt to importation of agriculture goods, the Asociacion de Agricultores de La Carlota y Pontevedra, Inc. (AALCPI) lauds Agriculture Sec. William Dar and will stand with him in the department’s thrust to further strengthen our country’s food security.

AALCPI President Roberto Cuenca said that Dar’s move to stop importation will “ensure the livelihood of millions of farmers whose lives and families depend on agriculture.”

“We share the same idea that by increasing farm productivity, we ensure food security which will lead to self-sufficiency for the agriculture sector of the country,” Cuenca said, adding that by doing so, “we are giving priority to our farmers and producers who are the key to our nation’s food security.”

Cuenca also said that it is the “duty” of Filipino farmers to “feed every Filipino and not rely on other countries for food, especially in this time of pandemic.”

The sugar industry, Cuenca said, stand alongside other agriculture industries like the rice, poultry, hog raisers and others.

“Together, we can make a stronger agriculture sector that will not only be able to feed each and every Filipino, but will also be able to feed the world,” Cuenca added.*



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