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Your Vigilant Daily Newspaper

VMC Distillery goes on overdrive for alcohol production;

May 31, 2020

Donates 25,600 liters to LGUs and frontliners

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Victorias Milling Company Distillery went on full-throttle to produce the much needed alcohol that has benefited local government units, government agencies and other frontliners, not just in Negros Occidental but in Panay Island and the Province of Cebu.

In their latest tally, the VMC Distillery in Manapla has donated a total of 25,636 liters of alcohol for all local government units in the province, Bacolod City, Iloilo City, the provinces of Aklan, Antique, Capiz and Cebu as well as for hospitals in the Bicol province.

VMC President Minnie Chua said that this is part of the company’s thrust to help address the needs of LGUs and other government agencies in their fight against COVID-19.

“We’ve donated alcohol to the various contingents of the military and the police, as well as to various jails here and in the region and our local courts,” Chua said. She added that among their priority is to provide alcohol to various hospitals, especially those dedicated to the pandemic, not just in Negros Occidental but in the regional hubs as well.

VMC is also thankful that when they went on full production, most of the mitigating measures to address environmental concerns at the site and ensure operational efficiency have been in place, thus “we can provide more alcohol where and when it is badly needed,” Chua said.

Early this year, VMC invested over P200 million for its overall environment protection program, which includes funding for the improvement of the distillation and digester processes at the distillery.

VMC likewise voluntarily created the multi-partite monitoring team (MTT) involving local government officials, environmental agencies and the members of the communities to work hand-in-hand in preserving the environment. This, said Chua, is but one of our endeavors that shows our company’s continuing commitment to protect and preserve the environment.*


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